Luke Bond has been teaching a Scene Study Class for The New York Theater Festival for four years, as well as teaching many acting workshops for students of all ages around the country. He specializes in Scene Study, Script Analysis, Technique, and Performing Shakespeare. 

Luke believes theater programs should be affordable and accessible; students are never required to pay until after the first class, so they can be certain that it is the right theater class for them. Stay tuned for details on the next set of classes!

“Great class. I found it very energizing. A reminder of some things I already knew and had forgotten, and an education in new ideas and concepts. Luke is a wonderful communicator and very effective with imagery. HE was very skilled at getting us to curtail unnecessary movement onstage and using our voices more effectively. Great at helping us realize our character’s motivations in various scenes.” ~ Michael Huston

“I enjoyed the class. The acting assignments and exercises were useful. The sessions were well worth my time. Luke was very congenial, clear, thorough. He gave me good ideas as to developing my character. Also when he directed others, I learned some things. He was humorous, focused, friendly.” ~ Warren Wyss

“I’m so happy that I chose to take this course. I had no idea what to expect but I’m thrilled. It’s been the highlight of my weeks! Luke is passionate about acting and I learned so much from him. He challenges me and I love watching him work with the class. It’s fun and stimulating.” ~ Alexandria Persinger

“I loved working with Luke! He is smart, sensitive, and knows exactly what he’s talking about. His knowledge expands far beyond a white male, he can relate to anyone. He provided individualized attention. I felt safe and like I was in a professional environment.” ~ Laurel McGoff

“Luke is a very strong instructor, speaking with an actor instead of at them while infusing his direction with a level of humility, which allows the pupil to achieve true collaboration and learning. I love Luke’s accessibility plus his knowledge and respect for the actor.” ~ Tanyeno Wotorson